Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Day 1 - The beginning.

Day 1. Wednesday 20th July, 2011.

Yesterday was a long day. Everything ran smoothly, no delays but it was approx 24hours on the go in total.

Got to my hostel about 10.30pm and it’s still day light outside - this time of the year Anchorage has 21hours of day light! Felt very surreal. Walked to the local garage to buy a toothbrush and some shampoo and then when I came back I had a shower and went to bed. My bed is the lower of the bunk bed, and my room mate had the single bed on the other side of the room - lucky!

When I woke up today I felt good. I’m glad I didn’t sleep yesterday as I feel that jetlag hasn’t hit me yet and I don’t think it will as I felt a new day had started this morning. My body is so clever. I look outside and of course - it’s light. So I pack up my valuables and head out - in shorts, t-shirt and hoody.

Needless to say that after about an hour of walking the hoody came off as it was fairly warm. Managed to navigate myself to ‘Downtown’ Anchorage which is about 2.5 miles away from my hostel. Along the way I walked down Chester Creek Trail and also a coastal trail which was nice. Got a couple of nice scenic photos.

Had a good look around Downtown Anchorage, and saw the railroad train station - I’ll be going back there in a few days to catch my train to Denali. The main thing I’ve noticed so far about Alaska, which I’m sure is just because it’s America is that everything is so big. Cars are trucks. Streets are dual-carriage ways. Corner shops are shopping centers. Everything is super-size, including the people - which isn’t surprising to be cliché.

Got back to my hostel about 1.30pm ish and am now writing my blog entry on the public computers in the hostel. My feet are a bit sore as I walked this morning (for about 4 hours) in my standard shoes with no socks - ouch. So this afternoon I’m going to rest, do some assignment work and chill to music. My plan for tomorrow is to go to the zoo. I don’t usually like Zoos but the Alaskan Zoo looks alright, plus it’s cheap and it’s south Anchorage which I haven’t explored yet. I’m still deciding whether or not to go horse riding when I get back to Anchorage in a couple of weeks. I say ‘deciding’ as it is $100 which I don’t really have spare - but it would be an experience!

Going to be social this evening and stay downstairs in the social area and hopefully I’ll talk to someone and not just sit there with my headphones in like I would usually do. #Nervous

Ciao for now!

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